A Little Tip for Modern Moving from Household Movers in St. Paul

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Moving Services

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Over the years, the heart of the moving process really hasn’t changed a great deal. Packing is just as time consuming and labor intensive as ever. Planning and organization are still crucial though typically difficult to maintain. While the fundamentals remain the same, this isn’t necessarily true of the types of belongings being packed, transferred and redistributed at new locations by Household Movers in St. Paul.

Perhaps the most significant difference lies in electronics and all the cords and connections they entail. This happens to be one of the factors hampering families’ transitions to their new homes. When disconnecting all their devices, many families toss all the accompanying wires and cables into boxes along with their other items to be sorted out upon arrival. Sure, they all turn up eventually, but which wires go with which devices?

Whether you pack up your home on your own or with the assistance of professional Household Movers in St. Paul, take a few extra moments to make those cords and cables part of your organizational efforts. Sandwich baggies or freezer storage bags can be your best friend during this leg of the process. They’re available in a variety of sizes to accommodate your needs and also happen to come with handy marker-friendly labels already in place.

While you’re disconnecting the satellite, DVD and Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, computers and Wi-Fi routers, roll up the cables and other detachable components, and place them in their own baggies labeled with the devices from which they came. This little trick also works well in the kitchen. If you have an assortment of electric deep fryers, griddles, woks, skillets and other gadgets with detachable plugs and temperature controls, bag each cord separately and label with the device’s name. Once you get to your new home, you could even leave them in their individual baggies to help with organization after the move.

Although bagging and labeling each cord, wire and connection may take a few extra minutes during the packing phase, it’ll make a world of difference when you get to your new home and the time comes to reconnect all your devices. Having a little less stress to deal with at that point couldn’t hurt, right? Contact Action Moving Services Inc. to request a quote for your move and for more helpful tips to make the process go a little more smoothly.